How To Reduce Water Loss in Your Pool
Water loss is a big issue for pool owners. There are many factors involved with water loss, but that doesn’t mean you have to get by with a pool that is half full. Here are simple ways you can reduce water loss in your pool.
Keep it cool
Evaporation plays a large role in water loss. Warm water tends to evaporate faster than cold water, so keep your pool cool. You don’t have to swim in ice water but try and maintain the lowest temperature you can comfortably swim in. For days that it’s blistering outside, turn the heat off altogether.
Forgo the bells and whistles
Waterfalls and other features look great, but they’re water suckers. The more bells and whistles you have on your pool, the more the water will evaporate. Turn off the water features when your pool isn’t in use. Plus, you’ll save money on your utility bills when you’re not running a waterfall 24/7.
Make your pool a pet-free zone
When your dog takes a dip, he also takes a sip. To your dog, a pool is a giant water dish. Instead of letting Fido have free reign on swimming, keep the pool off-limits. Unless it’s a really hot day, limit your pet’s access to the pool so they don’t drink the water from it.
Plug leaks immediately
If you notice the water level in your pool is dropping by more than a ¼ inch daily, you’re probably dealing with a leak. You could be losing as much as 1000 gallons of water per week if the leak isn’t taken care of immediately. You’ll have to use the services of a professional to plug your pool’s leak, but it’s worth it to stop the dramatic water loss.
Cover your asset
By keeping your pool covered when it’s not in use, you can cut evaporation by approximately 98 percent! Your pool is one of your home’s most prized assets, so keep it covered overnight or whenever you’re not swimming. Covering your pool also helps prevent chemical evaporation and debris from falling in.
Clean your pool—a lot
Keeping your pool clean will help to reduce water loss. You’ll also need to maintain proper chemical levels to avoid having to drain the pool and risking more water loss. If your pool’s filters are clogged, the debris they’re trying to filter out will have nowhere to go and end up back in the pool, so tend to them regularly.